Thanks, Ken! We had just had an incident in our little neighborhood that proved the importance of good neighbors when The Substack Zone project came along, so I was really thinking about that. All I had to do was turn it dark, lol.
Oh, you did. Again, I think you're one of the most talented writers on Substack. From one story to the next, you will shift focus from the visual to the sensory and it always works. I can usually gauge the strength of fiction by how much --or how little-- I'm pulled along for the ride. Your stories always have me in an iron grip from the first sentence. I'm really looking forward to the serial, though the struggling writer in me is trembling in his boots.
Ken, my head is swelling, lol. You are good for my ego. The first serial will be taken from my book as a sort of introduction to Blackfern County (and I tremble to put it up…maybe it won’t hold up). The second, and new one, will come right after. I don’t really know how to do a serial, so the first one can take all the knocks. 😁
Oh that's pretty damned dark... i have to say that, loathsome grouch as he might have been... that's maybe a bit too harsh of an end for him. Really well written! the cellar ... the black cat ... sinister favourites.
Thanks, Nick! Ethan was doomed from the start, I'm afraid. We writers are often heartless. It was a harsh end, indeed, but we can always hope he's still alive and someone finds him. Perhaps he will have developed a bit more sympathy for poor Hazel Flanders...
i was sort of expecting him to keep doing even more vile mean stuff - to the cat maybe....then he REALLY would have deserved it - HAHA! you did make him thoroughly unlikeable - we all know an Ethan, don't we....
Ethan should have gone to the festival! Great job of character development, foreshadowing, and descriptive writing. Perfect ending. I enjoyed every word.
Kid characters are def therapeutic to write. The memories drawn upon for them are so central to who we are, it’s like getting down to the core without all the adult manufactured issues. They are true and wild in a way adult characters never can be.
Barnacle! Barney! The perfect touch to a very enjoyable Karmic tale. I feel like this was a bit like A Christmas Carol without the redemption at the end.
Thanks, Jon! Joywood is loosely modeled on my own little town. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming when I moved in five years ago that I was a little taken aback (dare I say, creeped out?). Today, I appreciate and enjoy that community spirit immensely.
Such a great story, Liz, especially with the inserts. Could see the camera go for a bird's eye view at the end. Serling (and Matheson) would approve!
Thanks, Ken! We had just had an incident in our little neighborhood that proved the importance of good neighbors when The Substack Zone project came along, so I was really thinking about that. All I had to do was turn it dark, lol.
Oh, you did. Again, I think you're one of the most talented writers on Substack. From one story to the next, you will shift focus from the visual to the sensory and it always works. I can usually gauge the strength of fiction by how much --or how little-- I'm pulled along for the ride. Your stories always have me in an iron grip from the first sentence. I'm really looking forward to the serial, though the struggling writer in me is trembling in his boots.
Ken, my head is swelling, lol. You are good for my ego. The first serial will be taken from my book as a sort of introduction to Blackfern County (and I tremble to put it up…maybe it won’t hold up). The second, and new one, will come right after. I don’t really know how to do a serial, so the first one can take all the knocks. 😁
I've almost met my demise on the stairs too, with my cat suddenly darting underfoot! Like magnets to our feet sometimes!
I think every cat owner can relate to Barnacle’s penchant for being right where someone else wants to be, lol.
Oh that's pretty damned dark... i have to say that, loathsome grouch as he might have been... that's maybe a bit too harsh of an end for him. Really well written! the cellar ... the black cat ... sinister favourites.
Thanks, Nick! Ethan was doomed from the start, I'm afraid. We writers are often heartless. It was a harsh end, indeed, but we can always hope he's still alive and someone finds him. Perhaps he will have developed a bit more sympathy for poor Hazel Flanders...
i was sort of expecting him to keep doing even more vile mean stuff - to the cat maybe....then he REALLY would have deserved it - HAHA! you did make him thoroughly unlikeable - we all know an Ethan, don't we....
This was so good, Liz! Ethan really pushed back hard against that redemption arc he could have had if he hadn’t been so awful!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, Ethan really worked hard to cut himself from the herd. All he had to do was go to a picnic!
Ethan should have gone to the festival! Great job of character development, foreshadowing, and descriptive writing. Perfect ending. I enjoyed every word.
Thanks, K.C.! I glad you enjoyed it. Yes, Ethan should have gone to the picnic. And he should have been a better neighbor.
Crouch. Grouch. Grinch!
Dependable Liz Fiction (DLF for short). Always great. The ending is a chef's kiss, especially for that jerk! Really great stuff, Liz.
Thanks, Shane! Crouch, Grouch, Grinch! I love it! So glad you enjoyed it.
Barnacle is a fantastic cat name. Loved the contrast between crotchety Ethan and wholesome Robbie
Thanks, Will! Barnacle does seem to suit an extra snuggly cat, lol.
Love the message here, it's an important theme to remember. I have a soft spot for Barnacle. He can come over any time.
Thanks, Edith! I agree; it’s an important theme. And Barnacle is a sweetie!
So great. Love seeing a good wholesome kid character
Thanks, Keith! I love kid characters.
I wrote a kid character in my fantasy novel and he was so fun and therapeutic to write lol
Kid characters are def therapeutic to write. The memories drawn upon for them are so central to who we are, it’s like getting down to the core without all the adult manufactured issues. They are true and wild in a way adult characters never can be.
Liz. I swear. Everything you write is gold. This was amazing.
Aww! Thanks, Sean! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I have felt so honored to be in The Substack Zone crew.
Wow! This is superb! I’m still giggling—after a full belly laugh that knocked my laptop to the floor.
So glad you enjoyed it! It does have its dark humor, doesn’t it? 😁
indeed. like an 80% cacao with a marshmallow center.
Barnacle! Barney! The perfect touch to a very enjoyable Karmic tale. I feel like this was a bit like A Christmas Carol without the redemption at the end.
Yes! What a great observation! Gotta admit, I love Barnacle. So glad you enjoyed it.
Liz, you are an amazing wordsmith! Also, can I have Ethan Crouch's house? I'll leave him rotting in the basement and everything.
Thanks, Michele! And..the house is yours, smashed Ethan and all. 😁
Yaaaaaaaaaasss! Barnacle is welcome anytime.
I think Joywood is neat. The something aint right vibe is so simply invoked. I really liked this Liz.
Thanks, Jon! Joywood is loosely modeled on my own little town. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming when I moved in five years ago that I was a little taken aback (dare I say, creeped out?). Today, I appreciate and enjoy that community spirit immensely.
joywood! so perfect.
Such a great read! 👏
Thanks, William!